Personal history:
Miek Carvis was born on Betazet to a mother who was a Star Fleet Lt. (research scientist) and father who was a private pilot.
Education/Work Record: (in chronological order and displayed in number of years spent)
Miek is a determined person, but can be a little unfeeling at times and more often seem down right insane. Although everyone expected him to calm down after marrying for a second time, he didn't. Old habits die hard and even the joys and problems of family life couldn't change him. Miek's insanity, for lack of a better word, lead to a joke about him before he left The Darwin: "I can't believe we put our health in his hands! He really should go see the ship's counselor."
After spending a few years on Betazet, Miek was taken on a shuttle mission by his parents (a combination of research and cargo run). Unfortunately, this two week mission was to last for ten years due to a damaged primary propulsion system caused by a trip through an asteroid belt during a side trip. With communications also out, the shuttle could only use impulse to return to Federation space. By the time he returned to the Federation, both parents had died in attacks on the shuttle. Only due to the auto-pilot did Miek make it home. His only friend on his odyssey was a holographic child programed by his late mother to keep him company. This helped keep his ability to deal with others alive (actualy, it ended up being much better then many other Betazoids since the computer would not except telepathic commands).
After returning home and moving to Earth to live with friends, Miek decided he wanted to join Star Fleet at age 18. Because of his advanced skills developed on his trek (quickened mental abilities due to having nothing else to do with his time) Miek was given the chance to train at an advanced
After completing his training, Miek was assigned to be a Medic onboard a medical vessel, The Orion. (NCC 39146) During his stay, Miek meet his late wife Nerien (a half Trill, half Bajoran). After a year of peace (and shortly after the birth of his first daughter, Lavet (quarter Trill, Quarter Bajoran, half Betazoid)) Nerien was killed in a shuttle explosion. Miek resigned from Star fleet after the accident.
After spending two years on Earth, a year on Betazet, two years on Mogillia (an lightly inhabited colony in Damerius system), and a year on Bajor as a private medic, Miek decided to rejoin Star Fleet. Lavet, then seven, was thrilled to hear the news.
While on the U.S.S. Darwin, Miek meet his current wife, Dr Zhja'Katerina Bast, a half Klingon half Trill women who then served as the Darwin's head Counselor. With his engagement to Bast, his family quickly increased due to the five children Bast already had through a previous marriage.
After a brief time as the Chief Medical officer on the USS Darwin, Miek got a low ranking position at StarFleet Medical. After a series of speedy promotions, Miek was chosen to command the U.S.S. Phoenix, his most recent assignment. Despite the fact that it meant that he had to put his medical career on hold, he accepted his first command.
four years: Jorin Experimental learning institute
One Year: The Orion NCC 39146
Two years: Private Medical Profession on Earth
One years: Private Medical Profession on Betazet
two years: Private Medical Profession on Mogillia
One year: Private Medical Profession on Bajor
Less then a year: Joined Crew of the U.S.S. Darwin as Chief Medical Officer
ten years: Assorted positions at StarFleet Medical
Now: Command, U.S.S. Phoenix
"He did... I think she's infected now too!"